
This quick tutorial will get you up and running with your first gREST project. Your project should include at most three files to have a working API for your first model. You project layout should be like this:

Note: By installing pygrest package, all the necessary dependencies would also be installed.

    main.py         # Main gREST application
    models.py       # Database model of your first node (User)
    users_view.py   # User's endpoints is defined here

Your main.py file should setup a Flask application, configure database connection, enable logging and register a view:

import os
import logging
import neomodel
from flask import Flask
from grest import global_config
from users_view import UsersView

def create_app():
    # create flask app
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # add a simple endpoint for testing purposes
    def index():
        return "Hello World!"

    # configure connection to database
    neomodel.config.DATABASE_URL = global_config.DB_URL  # The bolt URL of your Neo4j instance
    neomodel.config.AUTO_INSTALL_LABELS = True
    neomodel.config.FORCE_TIMEZONE = True  # default False

    # attach logger to flask's app logger
    app.ext_logger = app.logger

    # register users' view
    UsersView.register(app, route_base="/users", trailing_slash=False)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = create_app()
    app.run(host="localhost", port=5000)

Next you should define your models with Neomodel syntax. Neomodel is easier to use than other ORMs and drivers. Your models.py file would be like this:

from neomodel import (StructuredNode, UniqueIdProperty, StringProperty, BooleanProperty)
from grest import models

class User(StructuredNode, models.Node):
    user_id = UniqueIdProperty()
    first_name = StringProperty()
    last_name = StringProperty()
    email = StringProperty()
    is_enabled = BooleanProperty(default=False)

As you can see, we have imported Node from grest.models, so that we can use the Node mixin (which is used in JSON serialization of model data and automatic input validation). Also note that the Person class (model) is inheriting from two parents: StructuredNode and Node.

Now that you've defined your model, you should also define a simple view to contain your model (remember, we have registered this view in main.py). This is where the beauty of the gREST framework comes in:

from grest import GRest
from models import User

class UsersView(GRest):
    __model__ = {"primary": User}
    __selection_field__ = {"primary": "user_id"}

The most important part of gREST is __model__ and __selection_field__ properties. They contain the logic to access your models and relations. As you see, our primary model is User and its primary key (so to say) is user_id, so the selection field of the primary model is user_id.

To run this app, simply execute it via the python command:

python main.py

A webserver would start on port 5000 in debug mode, so that you can test your endpoints. To test your new API, use a simple HTTP client (e.g. curl) to query the API:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"johndoe@example.com"}' http://localhost:5000/users

Result would be like this:
